August 31, 2012

San Juan Capistrano Wedding | Alana + Riley Part 2


Okay friends and family, here is part 2!  The location of Alana and Riley’s first look was originally going to be the site of the ceremony.  Unfortunately, because it was such a hot day (and because Alana is so thoughtful and puts everyone else’s needs in front of her own – even on her wedding day) they moved the ceremony to a cooler location at the school where the reception was being held.  It actually ended up being an ideal spot for them because it fit perfectly with their style and with the theme of the wedding.  Fortunately for all of us, a fresh breeze came in right about when the ceremony was starting.

These two cuties are Casey’s nephew and niece!Our girls loved getting to come to a wedding with us and they played in the petals from the ceremony!Our family!We love these shots on the school’s football field!Eric, Riley’s little brother, gave a toast that was so heartfelt.  He began to talk about how much he looks up to Riley and how he is a hero to him – and basically he and everyone else at the wedding were crying their eyes out!A gorgeous night for a gorgeous couple!

What a beautiful, hot, and fun day!  Loved the bubble send-off!  Love you two both very much (but I think you already know that).  We are so blessed to have you both in our family now and thank you two for letting us be a part of this huge and exciting new journey you are on together!


Thank you, thank you, thank you to our vendors, family and friends!

Venue – St. Margaret’s Episcopal School

Flowers – Flower Allie

Dress – David’s Bridal

Makeup – Rebekah Pogue

Hair – Alicia Shinners

Debbe Figlewicz Schademann : 18:45 August 31, 2012 Reply
Wow! So beautiful. I love reading your comments. It makes it so much more personal. Lovely!

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