Well what a wild weekend. We had our trade show in Orange County on Saturday then Andrea and baby Carly decided to pull a fast one on me Sunday morning. I was woken up at 4am. Andrea wasn’t feeling very good. She felt dehydrated and felt like the baby hadn’t been moving up to her normal alien like self. So we jumped in the car and headed to the hospital. They attached her to all the monitors. Baby Carly was fine while she was sleeping but the minute she started to move her heart rate dropped. So they brought in the Ultra Sound machine to check the fluids. She was a little low so the doctors said you are going to have a C-Sections today. Well that was 7am. They said it would be in 30 min. I was like yikes I gotta go home and get my camera. So I raced home and grabbed my gear. I made it back just in time to put on my scrubs and get into the OR. Well the rest is history. Baby Carly and mommy are home as of today and doing well. Be sure to check back because there are lots more pictures to post.