December 31, 2019

There Went 2019!!!


It has been quite a year. As we always say on this blog we LOVE LOVE LOVE being professional photographers. We have the privilege of being part of some of the most amazing moments in peoples lives. We often get to capture marriage proposals, engagement sessions, weddings and of course newborn announcements. 

We have been blessed this year to have done so many different types of projects. We never take for granted the opportunities afforded to us through our Studio Bay 21 company and Figlewicz Photography.  In 2019 we snapped photos and videos of: products, family portraits, hospitality/resorts, food & beverage, destination, weddings, destination weddings, marriage proposals, engagements, surf, and a bunch of other stuff but let’s just suffice it to say that we get to do it all! We’ve traveled up and down the coast of California, Washington, and Oregon. We shot in Hawaii, Bali, and Nicaragua and we have enjoyed every single frame that 2019 brought us.

It is true, and I’ll say it again… if you love what you do you’ll never work a day in your life. Well we love what we do and we love the work. It’s long tough hours a lot of the time but we are truly blessed. We have gotten to know so many people over the last 20 years as professional photographers. We pride ourselves on being the best in the game and still being the most affordable professional photographers in Los Angeles and Orange County! 

Our clients are sincerely the best! It never ceases to amaze us that after nearly a thousand weddings that we’ve captured we have enjoyed every single client. Not many people in a profession can say that with all honesty. 

So many things in this life change, nothing seems to stay the same for too long, one thing that remains for us is the great joy we get from meeting new clients and getting to share life with them. We truly do count you all as friends.

One thing that we have learned this year is to never take something for granted, we have learned to enjoy the moment and be present. I guess capturing that many weddings does rub off on us. Be still. Enjoy the moment. Because it’s going to go fast!!!

Be Blessed

  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
  • There Went 2019!!!
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